Some people will talk about not, 'giving your power away', but I don't think you can! It was built specifically for you by God, and it is YOUR birthright. But what is this “power” people are talking about? Well, it is your personal power- the power, or ability to show up as authentically you in this world. It is the power to say, “Yes, I like that or want this.” and “No, I don’t like that or want this.” It may come in the form of your infectious laugh, your ability to connect or lead people, or even your ability to support people. Your power is your ability to design your life. So, if your power is who you are authentically, at your core- your actual make-up of who you are on a soul level, then how can that be taken or given away?
I think, rather, what it meant by 'giving your power away' is when you allow others to choose for you- when you can use it and when you cannot. So, perhaps what you are giving up is your free will to use your power. And there is a myriad of ways that can happen, but to name a few: because we want to be loved, accepted and to belong. To be loved is to not be controlled. Someone who loves you will not control your laughter, they will inspire it, they will not stop you from connecting to people or dull the shine of your soul- they will encourage it. To be accepted is to not be judged. People who accept you with all your quirks and superpowers will not judge you, they marvel at it- rest assured these are authentic people. To belong is to find the types of people mentioned above, because that is your tribe, your community.
As for everyone else- love them anyway; they probably need it. You choose whether to do it and from what distance. But you see, they never really had your power, they just put it to sleep within you to keep themselves comfortable- or simply because they do love you and are afraid of losing you- be compassionate if you can- this says a lot about how they feel about their own self-worth or belief in their own personal power. Shine anyway to show them how it’s done. 😉
Consider this your alarm clock- AWAKE UP. 😊💖