
to Mar 9


  • Guest House & Retreat Center for Wellness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At Embodied, you will experience profound healing through embodiment—connecting to your body and soul on a deeper level. Practices such as mindful movement, gentle yoga, breathwork, and somatic breath work will help you self-regulate and calm your nervous system, fostering a state of inner peace. You'll also have the opportunity to communicate with your younger self, listening to the wisdom of your soul and honoring your personal story.

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Shamanic Journey Workshop
to Feb 9

Shamanic Journey Workshop

This class will introduce you to the foundations of the sacred shamanic journey. Join Shamanic Practitioner Robin Attardi Zenczak as she guide you through your personal journey and show you how to navigate spiritual reality. The class will consist of detailed and supported education and instruction on how to journey, a guided journey where you will obtain wisdom, and discussion.

In this new format as a 3-day weekend class you learn about and navigate three spiritual realms.

A history of journeying and its beginning as well as applications for every day life and health will be discussed.

Learn the shamanic art of journey. Learn how to connect and heal with the beat of the drum. Learn the skills to of this art and use them to tap into your inner guidance, promote personal self-growth and healing.

You will have the opportunity to discover your soul’s purpose. This class is built to teach you how to use journey for your own healing process; it will give you the opportunity for deep self-reflection and group coaching..

Handouts will be provided. Please bring a notebook, writing utensil, and a pillow and blanket if you wish to be cozy while you journey. Cost of the class is $350

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Mediumship & Intuition Workshop
6:00 PM18:00

Mediumship & Intuition Workshop

So many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

The call to serve has become too great to ignore. I am excited to offer my teachings and guidance to those who are ready to embrace their spiritual gifts and develop their intuitive and mediumship capacities.

I developed my skills and claimed it as my gifts and so can you.

The only one that can predict your future is you. The connection you had with your loved ones did not end when they passed over. We all have the ability to connect, heal and be intuitive.

You can be naturally gifted at these skills but these are skills not magical gifts. If you'd like to learn more it's not too late to join the others who are taking my class this evening vSo many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

Register now!

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Gratitude Circle
to Nov 20

Gratitude Circle

Starting October 23rd through November 20th you are welcome to join this FREE gratitude circle. An online space to come together to unwind, reflect and if you choose to, add your intention of gratitude to the gratitude pumpkin.

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Mediumship & Intuition Class
6:00 PM18:00

Mediumship & Intuition Class

So many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

The call to serve has become too great to ignore. I am excited to offer my teachings and guidance to those who are ready to embrace their spiritual gifts and develop their intuitive and mediumship capacities.

I developed my skills and claimed it as my gifts and so can you.

The only one that can predict your future is you. The connection you had with your loved ones did not end when they passed over. We all have the ability to connect, heal and be intuitive.

You can be naturally gifted at these skills but these are skills not magical gifts. If you'd like to learn more it's not too late to join the others who are taking my class this evening vSo many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

Register now!

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Spirit of Health a Whole-istic Womens' Wellness Fair.
8:30 AM08:30

Spirit of Health a Whole-istic Womens' Wellness Fair.

  • 7 Cranbrook Blvd Enfield, CT, 06082 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


I am partnering with RAH to bring my community and the surrounding communities a Whole-Health womens’ Fair.

The BIG announcement I made, just a week ago is a dream come true! It's becoming more real than dream by the minute.

This event is me saying that true, whole health is about ALL OF you- your mind, your body, your emotions and your spirit.

I have worked hard to include traditional medicine, as well as natural and alternative options into this: Spirit of Health event.

I want you all to have resources in which to become informed and become more resourceful in managing your own care.

You will have access to:

Blood pressure screenings

Glucose screenings

Mental health screenings

Breast health screenings

Heart health screening

A Naturopath MD

Energy field Clearing


Health talks on stress reduction, yoga and more.

Special thank you to my partner Radiology Associates of Hartford, PLLC for helping this dream become a reality.

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Date Night Yoga
6:15 PM18:15

Date Night Yoga

Connect With Partner Yoga

Unwind, relax and connect with your partner without breaking the bank.

Explore poses, practice the art of listening to your partners verbal and physical cues. Laugh and have fun. No prior yoga experience is needed.

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Shamanic Journey
to Aug 9

Shamanic Journey

Learn the shamanic art of journey. Learn how to connect and heal with the beat of the drum. Learn the skills to of this art and use them to tap into your inner guidance, promote personal self-growth and healing.

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Open Mediumship Gallery in June
to Jun 30

Open Mediumship Gallery in June

Pre-Registration is required for all galleries in order to accommodate guests comfortably.

Doors open approximately 30 minutes before, to assure that everyone is seated and settled in for the evening. The evening starts with a brief explanation of my process, followed by open reading communication with your loved ones on the other side. It is not guaranteed that everyone will be read, but everyone will be moved and affected by the experience that is a mediumship gallery. The reading will continue for approximately 2 hours when spirit pulls back indicating that all messages meant to come through that night, have- at which time I offer a brief Q & A.

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Mediumship & Intuition Class
6:00 PM18:00

Mediumship & Intuition Class

So many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

The call to serve has become too great to ignore. I am excited to offer my teachings and guidance to those who are ready to embrace their spiritual gifts and develop their intuitive and mediumship capacities.

I developed my skills and claimed it as my gifts and so can you.

The only one that can predict your future is you. The connection you had with your loved ones did not end when they passed over. We all have the ability to connect, heal and be intuitive.

You can be naturally gifted at these skills but these are skills not magical gifts. If you'd like to learn more it's not too late to join the others who are taking my class this evening vSo many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

Register now!

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2:00 PM14:00

Selfcare For Nurses

Selfcare For Nurses ~May 19th 2 pm

I want to still honor and thank YOU all for keep on keeping on.

You’ve taken care of so many people, it’s time to take care of you.

Come and learn breathe work that you can take with you back out into your nursing practice. Enjoy community, have a relaxing yoga stretching, energy work, and guided meditation and refreshment.

Total class time is approximately 1 hr.45 min. Cost: $99

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10:00 AM10:00


Moms & Mimosas ~ May 19th @ 10 am

Treat your mom to a Yoga class that will celebrate and pamper her this mothers’ day!

Why is this class not ON mothers’ day? Because it makes the PERFECT gift. This Yoga class will include a facial mask and beverage. ;)

1 hour of gentle Yoga stretching, with a pampered savasana (don’t worry she knows what that is) featuring a mud mask, followed by a refreshing beverage.

Total class time is approximately 1 hr. 45 min.

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Intuition and Learn Mediumship.
6:00 PM18:00

Intuition and Learn Mediumship.

So many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

The call to serve has become too great to ignore. I am excited to offer my teachings and guidance to those who are ready to embrace their spiritual gifts and develop their intuitive and mediumship capacities.

I developed my skills and claimed it as my gifts and so can you.

The only one that can predict your future is you. The connection you had with your loved ones did not end when they passed over. We all have the ability to connect, heal and be intuitive.

You can be naturally gifted at these skills but these are skills not magical gifts. If you'd like to learn more it's not too late to join the others who are taking my class this evening vSo many people have been asking me if I can teach them about mediumship and using their intuition.

Register now!

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FREE 3 Day Master Class- Create Certainty in Yourself Even in an Uncertain World Within
to Apr 28

FREE 3 Day Master Class- Create Certainty in Yourself Even in an Uncertain World Within

Stop the overwhelm, the sleepless night and ever running eternal TO-DO list. Become resilient and find joy even when feeling challenged by life and find the certainty that resides in you.

Create peace in your inner world, so it can match the cool exterior you’re already showing the world on the outside.

You are NOT broken. You may have forgotten who you are or where that you went, but I will help you find her, and for some of you- maybe, discover her for the first time.

If you want to have inner peace, sleep better and not wake up to instantly feeling overwhelmed by the TO-DO list that has been growing in your sleep, if you want stop should-ing on yourself, then join me for this FREE 3-day master class April 26, 27 & 28 at 7 pm.

Click the button to register now and a link will be sent to you via email from Spirited Health.

If you do not receive the email, then please check your spam folder. or contact Robin via text at (860) 306-6875.

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Manage Your Stress Before it Manages You
8:00 AM08:00

Manage Your Stress Before it Manages You

The holistic way to manage your stress. No pills, No one size fits all, or cookie cutter solutions.

Women deal with different stressors than men and as they age their bodies, process stress differently: New onset anxiety, weight gain or inability to lose weight. This usually is accompanied by self-doubt and a feeling that they have lost direction in life.

Managing your stress is life changing, transformational even!

Imagine learning techniques that will help you show up as your best self both for you and for your loved ones. Step in this workshop and out of stress. You will leave relaxed and ready to face your life without getting hijacked by stress again. This renewed sense of relaxation and well-being will become the new operating system powering the new version of yourself you always knew existed.

WARNING: The side effects of this workshop include:



You 2.0

Lifetime with more ease.

This workshop is part of my mastermind class: Becoming the Leader in your life.

It is being offered as a stand allow workshop this year because it is that valueable!

  • Becoming the Leader in your life is being launched this year at the introduction price of $495 (normally a $1500 value)

  • Managing your Stress (Holistically) before it manages You is being offered at a STAND-ALONE introductory price of $200 (Normally a $495 value)


Payment plans are available.

Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis.

To register contact

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An Evening of love, uplifting healing messages and insights with Spiritual Medium
6:30 PM18:30

An Evening of love, uplifting healing messages and insights with Spiritual Medium

I will be at Eliana Spa in Glastonbury, CT

On February 28th

6:30-9:30 pm

Join me or an evening of connection, love and healing in an intimate setting when I help to bridge the connection between you and loved ones. It is my honor to, if even for a moment have somewhere for your love disguised as grief have a place to go.

For further details and to register for the event contact:

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Partner Yoga
6:15 PM18:15

Partner Yoga

Connect With Partner Yoga

Unwind, relax and connect with your partner without breaking the bank.

Explore poses, practice the art of listening to your partners verbal and physical cues. Laugh and have fun. No prior yoga experience is needed.

Friday February 23, 2024

6:15 - 7:30 PM

To register contact

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An Evening of love, uplifting healing messages and insights with Spiritual Medium
3:00 PM15:00

An Evening of love, uplifting healing messages and insights with Spiritual Medium

I will be at The Recording Den

Bethany, CT

3:00- 5:00pm

doors open at 2:30

Join me or an evening of connection, love and healing in an intimate setting when I help to bridge the connection between you and loved ones. It is my honor to, if even for a moment have somewhere for your love disguised as grief have a place to go.

For further details and to register for the event contact: Spiritual Medium Gallery With Robin Attardi Zenczak January 28th 3pm-5pm Tickets, Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 3:00 PM | Eventbrite

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Shamanic Journey 3 workshop Series
6:00 PM18:00

Shamanic Journey 3 workshop Series

A Workshop Series On Shamanic Journey

Learn the shamanic art of journey. Learn how to connect and heal with the beat of the drum. Learn the skills to of this art and use them to tap into your inner guidance, promote personal self-growth and healing.

Classes include

Shamanic Journey for Beginners

Advanced Shamanic Journey: The Spiritual Realms

Shamanic Journey: Journey for Healing

Class schedule:

Shamanic Journey 1- January 27th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. .

Shamanic Journey 2- February 24th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Shamanic Journey 3 will be March 9th 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

  • Curious Beginner may take the first class at full cost of $65.

Payment via cash or Venmo

When purchased as a package (all three ,up front), the discounted price of $185 will apply.

Payment via cash or Venmo @Robin-Zenczak

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A Shamanic Journey for Beginners
6:00 PM18:00

A Shamanic Journey for Beginners

People were asking and now it is here... Shamanic Journey for Beginners.

This class will introduce you to the foundations of the sacred shamanic journey. Join Shamanic Practitioner Robin Attardi Zenczak as she guides you through your personal journey and show you how to navigate spiritual reality. The class will consist of detailed and supported education and instruction on how to journey, a guided journey where you will obtain wisdom, and discussion.

A history of journeying and its beginning as well as applications for everyday life and health will be discussed.

Handouts will be provided. Please bring a notebook, writing utensil, and a pillow and blanket if you wish to be cozy while you journey. Cost of the class is $65.

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6:00 PM18:00

Shamanic Journey III Journey to Healing

Shamanic Journey III to and advanced journey and healing workshop. It is required that participants have already attended Shamanic Journey for Beginners and, Shamanic Journey II.

This workshop explores yet more realms of spiritual reality. You will have the opportunity to discover your soul’s purpose. This class is built to teach you how to use journey for your own healing process; it will give you the opportunity for deep self-reflection and group coaching circle..

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6:00 PM18:00

Shamanic Journey II- Advanced Journey

This class goes beyond the foundations of the sacred shamanic journey. Join Shamanic Practitioner Robin Attardi Zenczak as she guides you through your personal journey and shows you how to navigate different spiritual realms. The class will consist of detailed and supported education and instruction on how to achieve a substance free altered state, a guided journey through different spiritual worlds where you will meet the guides and obtain wisdom, how to navigate these worlds.

She will also include discussion as well as applications for every day life, health and well-being.

Please bring a notebook, writing utensil, and a pillow and blanket if you wish to be cozy while you journey. Cost of the class is $65.

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Shamanic Journey for Beginners
6:00 PM18:00

Shamanic Journey for Beginners

People were asking and now it is here... Shamanic Journey for Beginners.

This class will introduce you to the foundations of the sacred shamanic journey. Join Shamanic Practitioner Christian M. Covert & Robin Attardi Zenczak as they guide you through your personal journey and show you how to navigate spiritual reality. The class will consist of detailed and supported education and instruction on how to journey, a guided journey where you will obtain wisdom, and discussion.

A history of journeying and its beginning as well as applications for every day life anad health will be discussed.

Handouts will be provided. Please bring a notebook, writing utensil, and a pillow and blanket if you wish to be cozy while you journey. Cost of the class is $65.

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Manage Your Stress Before it Manages You
8:00 AM08:00

Manage Your Stress Before it Manages You

You don’t create an emergency preparedness plan in the middle of an emergency, so why would you decide to try out stress management while you are stressed and in the thick of it? You shouldn’t. Managing your stress before it manages you is SO important for a variety of reason. Come and discover what stress really is, and how it affects the mind, body and emotions. Become a master at breaking the stress cycle. Take back control of your life. Transform the overwhelm and resentment you have about your life into excitement and joy. You will receive a workbook, and a few gifts to help remind you of and REALLY anchor in the teachings of everything you learned.

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to Sep 14

Fire Keeper

I am SO happy to announce that I am collaborating with Natalie Griffin to bring you her Fire Keeper program. Keep reading to see if this course is for you! Hint: if you are here it probably is ;)

Do you love working with Fire?

Are you intrigued by it's metaphysical properties of rapid transmutation of energy?

Do you feel called to sit and stare for hours at a roaring fire but are not really sure why?

Then Fire Keeper is for you.

In this 12 week, live online course you will:

-Connect with fire on a soul level

-Learn the art of Shamanic Fire Ceremony

-Learn to lead a ceremony within your own community

-Understand the basics of the Luminous Energy Field

-Practice opening Sacred Space

-Go on Shamanic Journey to become initiated as a Fire Keeper

And as an added bonus, when you sign up for Fire Keeper, receive our DIY online course, Soul Fire for free!

Make sure to mention me @ Spirited Health!

Click the link to register today:

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Manage Your Stress Before it Manages You
8:00 AM08:00

Manage Your Stress Before it Manages You

  • Spirited Health At Supeior Fitness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You don’t create an emergency preparedness plan in the middle of an emergency, so why would you decide to try out stress management while you are stressed and in the thick of it? You shouldn’t. Managing your stress before it manages you is SO important for a variety of reason. Come and discover what stress really is, and how it affects the mind, body and emotions. Become a master at breaking the stress cycle. Take back control of your life. Transform the overwhelm and resentment you have about your life into excitement and joy. You will receive a workbook, and a few gifts to help remind you of and REALLY anchor in the teachings of everything you learned.

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to Aug 5

Fire Keeper

I am SO happy to announce that I am collaborating with Natalie Griffin to bring you her Fire Keeper program. Keep reading to see if this course is for you! Hint: if you are here it probably is ;)

Do you love working with Fire?

Are you intrigued by it's metaphysical properties of rapid transmutation of energy?

Do you feel called to sit and stare for hours at a roaring fire but are not really sure why?

Then Fire Keeper is for you.

In this 12 week, live online course you will:

-Connect with fire on a soul level

-Learn the art of Shamanic Fire Ceremony

-Learn to lead a ceremony within your own community

-Understand the basics of the Luminous Energy Field

-Practice opening Sacred Space

-Go on Shamanic Journey to become initiated as a Fire Keeper

And as an added bonus, when you sign up for Fire Keeper, receive our DIY online course, Soul Fire for free!

Make sure to mention me @ Spirited Health!

Click the link to register today:

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De-Stress your Life on Breath at a TIme
6:00 PM18:00

De-Stress your Life on Breath at a TIme

Come wind down with Robin Zenczak. Robin is a Registered Nurse and a Registered and Certified Yoga instructor. In her workshop De-Stress Your Life One Breath at a Time, Robin will talk about stress. Where it comes from, how it effects your mind, body and spirit --And how to manage it. She will teach you how by combining breathing techniques and different methods of meditation you are able to decrease stress and stay in a place of health and ease for longer periods in your life. Even help to lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure, improving your mental clarity, manage your weight and chronic pain.  It will run just under 2 hours ending with a guided meditation.

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