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Hello, my name is Robin...

As a Holistic and Transpersonal Life coach, I help you become the best possible version of yourself.

I specialize in helping you move through your life transitions with grace by; challenging you to look at your self-limiting beliefs, utilizing mind-body tools, offering energy work, positivity, and cultivating gratitude practices. I hold a safe space for you to feel comfortable shifting your perspective.

If you are ready- I will assist you in breaking free of those energy patterns and behaviors that are keeping you stuck or are creating unnecessary suffering while moving through your life transition, whether that be a life changing-chronic or acute illnesses, divorce, gaining confidence, regaining your purpose, or aligning with your true self again.

Basically, I help you remember who you are at the core of who you are, so you can live an enthusiastic and spirited life. I will help you power-up.

Now accepting new clients! Book your 15-minute chat session today.

Contact me via email today:

4 Weeks of Coaching: Where I get to know you and come to understand what it is you would like to work on, look at differently or change. Together we will develop an individualize plan for you. All session (approximately 1 hour) Can be done in-person or virtual.

6 Weeks of Coaching: During which you will have support from me in-between sessions as needed to help facilitate your growth. Weekly sessions (1 hour). You will receive a personalized and structured plan of action to guide you through the process and appropriate additional support and resources to help you along your transformational journey in creating the kind of life you wish to live.

8 Weeks of Coaching: During which you will have support and regular real time access to me. The initial 1-hour session remains the same- where I get to know you and come to understand what it is you would like to work on, look at differently or change. Together we will develop an individualize plan for you. All remaining session (approximately 1 hour) will be scheduled at weekly intervals.

12 Weeks of Coaching: During which you will have constant support and access to me throughout the entire 12-weeks via messenger. All sessions are approximately 1 hour and will be scheduled weekly. Together we will develop an individualize plan for you and work on whatever arises for you during our time together with the support of how to move through it.

16- week Journey~ Back to Yourself at the core and essence of who you know you can be….and always were.

Lost and Found: The ARt of Sacred REclamatioN.

Payment plans are available. Please read details below.

Lost and Found: The Art of Sacred Reclamation

Is it time for you to find and redefine your life? Do you want to be the creator of your own journey and live in flow wit life? Are you stuck in a rut of your or going through a big life transition? Are you ready to decide who you want to be next, or NOW?

No pills, No one size fits all, or cookie cutter solutions here!

Women deal with different stressors and play different roles throughout life than men. When women reach the mid-time of their life their bodies change, they process stress differently, they discover new onset ‘anxiety’ and THIS usually is accompanied by self-doubt and a feeling that they have lost direction in life. But you haven’t, you have simply forgotten who you are.

Managing your stress, building resilience and learning to trust your inner wisdom again is TRANSFORMATIONAL!

Imagine learning techniques you have never been shown before. Imagine shifting your life through addressing ALL of YOU, mind, body, emotion and spirit so you can show up authentically as the whole person you are. Imagine a program that will have you showing up as your BEST self- both for you and for your loved ones.

WARNING: The side effects of this program include:

Significant stress reduction





Lifetime with more ease.

This coaching program is designed for woman who are going through midlife and other life transitions. I will take you on a sacred journey back to yourself, the woman who knew how to laugh and smile, the woman who experienced more joyful moments in her life with a heart full of gratitude and zest for life. I teach you how to achieve and reclaim your sense of self, self-confidence and feel fulfilled WITHOUT medications, and a one size fits all attitude- so you can stop apologizing for who you are and START LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE.

This program educates you on holistic stress management, energetic health using somatic practices and breath work to help you get off the anxiety train and take back the control of yourself that you deserve. You will learn how to become more resilient to the currents in life as they change helping using science backed methods as well as spiritual wisdom to aid you in creating your own rhythm and flow. You will learn how to leave this lost place you are in and march on to your becoming through group calls and individual coaching sessions.

In this 16-week course you will have access to group calls that will explore both practical and spiritual wisdom and techniques of letting go, rebuilding and reclamation

6 scheduled 1:1 session

A workbook for each stage of your journey

Sleep well care kit

Guided Grounding meditation created for you

All while experiencing consistent support as I hold sacred space, witness and support your journey.

You will also have access to a private group with others that are traveling this journey with us.

(12-week Payment plan is available)

All of the above pacakges include

Perks and extras that are sprinkled into session where appropriate:

  • Health Education

  • Stress management guidance.

  • Mind body tools for relaxation.

  • Guided meditation

  • Energy work

  • Additional resources

  • Free yoga class voucher if in person

 *Affordable payment plans are available.
