Spirited Health Yoga, Windsor Locks and Suffield, CT

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If you have goals that you would like to crush, or even would like to create some goals for yourself- I can help.

Some of my goals have been: Start up kid yoga classes

Create a week-long Yoga camp for kids ages 7 to 13

Hold workshops

……And guess what?! I'm doing it! 😁

July 15-19

9am-2 pm: Looking for 6 kids age 10-13 for week long summer program. Cost- $60 for the week

June 5- 26

8 am: Looking for 6 children age 2-4 and their caregivers for a 1 day a week, 4 week long session. Cost- $40

July 12th

7 pm: Stress-Busting Breathe workshop. Cost $60

Contact me for a free consultation where together we can assess your goals and decide what you would like to work on.
